Our cooperation is based on maximum satisfaction and trust.

Josef Adamec – Zentiva
FrontEnd Infrastructure & Support Manager, Zentiva, a.s

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We develop IT with a human touch

We work within a context
Every IT decision can be seen from different angles. An important role is played by the context of a particular company, which we always carefully consider.

We are open-minded
We often engage in discussions – even at the great expense of our own energy. We can thus better understand each other and be sure that there’s a purpose behind our work.

We speak our clients’ language
We want to be great partners for our clients; therefore, we speak with them so that they can clearly understand our standpoint.

We’re passionate about what we do
Whether we provide a client with a helpdesk or with comprehensive IT services, we always work at full capacity.

I appreciate the freedom and trust that VGD gives me.
Why work at VGD Technologies?
We tackle needs, not problems. Be it the needs of our clients, or the satisfaction of our employees. We can always settle on a solution. You can expect challenges, continuous improvement, skill expansion, stepping outside your comfort zone, and a great team! You will be able to participate in a number of projects at the global and national levels. You will actively help shape your own job as well as business operations. And last but not least, there are regular team building activities and also a comprehensive internal wiki where you can find everything – and more.
Help us create IT with a human touch

I am thankful for support during professional challenges.